Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation
Legislative update
On May 30th, 2017, the Province of Ontario passed Bill 68: “Modernizing Ontario’s Municipal Legislation Act, 2017”. This title reflects exactly what the Bill does: it attempts to bring dusty municipal legislation into 2017. Through this Act, three key pieces of municipal legislation have been amended: the Municipal Act, the City of Toronto . . .
Recent changes were made to the Land Transfer Tax Act (LTTA) by the provincial government for the purpose of gathering residential housing data and to collect the new Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST).
These changes now require all lawyers dealing with Ontario real estate transactions in the Greater Golden Horseshoe to ensure that . . .
Posted in: municipalitiesontarioreal estate
Proposed changes to the OMB
More questions than answers plus potential constitutional issues
On May 16, 2017, it was announced that the government will be presenting legislation which, if passed, will replace the Ontario Municipal Board with a ‘Local Planning Appeal Tribunal’. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of the Attorney General have stated that these changes will “give communities a stronger voice” and make the . . .
The Shift Towards Increased Flexibility for Agricultural Properties
As published in the OBA - Municipal Section Articles
The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (the “PPS”) was the first of the Provincial policy documents to introduce a framework of policies and definitions that attempt to make it easier for agricultural operations to remain viable in this time of intense development pressure.
Prior to 2014, in a Prime Agricultural Area, farm operators . . .
Celebrating Law Blogs
Clawbie Award Season
This year is the eleventh annual edition of the Canadian Law Blog Awards (otherwise known as the Clawbies).
As our readers know, Municipal Matters began early this year. Before our launch, we reviewed other blogs to get a feel for what lawyers were blogging about and how the knowledge was being presented. After all, blogging is a . . .
Case Brief: R. v. A.J.L. Janssen Landscaping Limited
Interpreting the Aggregate Resources Act
When does removal of rocks from the surface of the ground become operation of a pit under the Aggregate Resources Act (the “Act”) and require a license? This was the topic of a recent successful appeal by A.J.L. Janssen Landscaping Ltd. (“Janssen”) of its conviction at trial of operating a pit without a license.
Janssen approached . . .
Municipalities and Food Law Issues
A debrief on Canada's first Food Law and Policy Conference
Just over a week ago, I had the pleasure of attending The Future of Food Law and Policy conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
But Lauren, this is a municipal law blog so why do I care about food! Part of me is tempted to ask the rhetorical question of "do you eat?" and end the matter there, but then I would not be doing this . . .