Municipal Matters

Ontario suspends procurement process for further renewable energy contracts

In a surprising announcement by the Ontario Government this morning, the Large Renewable Procurement Process has been suspended, immediately and indefinitely. The press release states that "This decision is expected to save up to $3.8 billion in electricity system costs." Read the full press release here.

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September 27, 2016

Wind Turbines and Construction Liens

A Cautionary Tale

An unforeseen complication with wind turbines has recently come to light. Construction Liens are being registered against properties home to wind turbines. Not all, of course, but in instances where a construction lien has been registered as a result of unpaid contractors.

The Construction Lien Act allows contractors to place a lien . . .

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July 25, 2016

Condominium Development

A Primer for Planners

This is a guest blog post written by Michelle Kelly, lawyer at Sutherland Kelly LLP. Michelle’s practice consists almost entirely of condominium law. She also has a blog on condominium law: She can be reached at Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Michelle!

Everyone has heard of the “ . . .

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June 16, 2016

Dam Removals

(Dam: as in a concrete structure holding back water and not just an excuse to swear in a blog post)

Is your property home to a waterway with a dam structure? The kind built many moons ago and no longer serving a useful function? Has a resident of your municipality called staff regarding dam removal? These structures can be a liability and in some cases, the cost of maintaining or replacing a dam makes the dam thing a hassle worth removing . . .

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May 23, 2016

The Solicitors Desk

A Primer

I am often asked, by individuals I meet and even other lawyers, what being a municipal law solicitor entails. Perhaps our readers are keen to know what I spend my days doing as well (besides writing fantastic blog content, of course!) and since we, at Municipal Matters, do not like to leave any stone unturned, here is the big reveal:

. . .

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May 13, 2016

Proposed Provincial Plans Released

Changes announced for the Growth Plan, the Greenbelt Plan, the Niagara Escarpment Plan, and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

The Province of Ontario undertook a comprehensive, co-ordinated review of Ontario's planning policy documents in February, 2015. An advisory panel provided a report containing recommendations in December, 2015, and now the proposed plans, incorporating many, if not all, of the recommendations, have been released for public consumption and . . .

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May 12, 2016

Giving Residents a Say

As published in the May, 2016 Issue of Municipal World

Bill 73, Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015, has been an item of much discussion over the past year in the planning and development community. One of the main thrusts of the legislative change is an emphasis on civic engagement and an attempt to achieve more meaningful participation from the public. I wrote an article on the Bill 73 . . .

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May 09, 2016


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