Municipal Matters

Urban agriculture: what is it?

And how do we encourage (or should we be encouraging) these opportunities?

As Ontario continues to experience development pressures in areas that were historically used for agricultural purposes, many municipalities are implementing creative solutions to increase access to agricultural opportunities. For example, “urban agriculture” is a term that is being written into many municipal bylaws and zoning bylaws, as a . . .

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March 09, 2016

Province releases draft Bill 73 regulations for public comment

Further to the changes coming to the Planning Act as a result of Bill 73, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has just posted draft regulations on its Environmental Registry. The commenting period for each of the five proposed regulations will be open until April 14, 2016.

Some of the proposed changes include:
• the . . .

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March 01, 2016

Snow Days

A Roads Scholar post about the white stuff

Roads Scholar is a series post in which we discuss all things road-related.

Today my town is a snow globe. Luckily, I am able to walk to work and can concentrate on enjoying the scenery. But for many, a snowy-world translates into a harrowing commute. It is a situation which will spark an internal debate on whether it is better to . . .

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February 24, 2016

2016 OSSGA Conference and AGM

See you there!

I look forward to seeing everyone at the 2016 Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association's Annual General Meeting. I will be presenting as part of the panel "Putting Stock in Young People: Voices of the Future Panel" alongside Caitlin Port and Victor Giordano. The agenda for the AGM can be found here

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February 22, 2016

Bill 73: Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015

Summary of changes to the Planning Act

After months of public input, Bill 73 “ Smart Growth for our Communities Act, 2015 ” has received Royal Assent. The Act will amend both the Development Charges Act and the Planning Act. The press release can be found here .

There are many amendments, some technical, and some over-arching policy changes. This is a summary of the . . .

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February 04, 2016

Case Law Update - Glaspell v. Ontario

"The Boathouse Decision"

Who do you contact to approve the building of a new dock or boathouse? A recent Ontario case changes the answer...

In Glaspell v Ontario the Superior Court of Justice was tasked with resolving a jurisdictional issue regarding the regulation and oversight of structures built over water. The Plaintiff brought a motion against the . . .

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February 03, 2016

Welcome to Municipal Matters

A blog addressing municipal law issues across Ontario

Barriston's municipal law practice group has deep roots, having practiced municipal law since 1948, when past partner, Osmond J. Rowe Q.C. began serving as Town Solicitor for the Town of Barrie.

Although much has changed since 1948, our reputation for excellent service has been a continuous thread. It is now 2016 and to continue . . .

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January 04, 2016


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